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Doda zmogljivost RTL (desno proti levi)

In order to support languages that are written starting from the right that go to the left some additional things need to be taken into consideration when making a skin.

Testing if your skin works correctly.

Go to RTL mode by changing the language in Shareaza to Hebrew. The logo should look like:

Logo RTL

If the Logo doesn't look right, follow these steps:

  1. Open up your image editing software.

  2. Select the whole logo and copy/paste to make a new image. Make sure the width of the whole logo you select is accurate it must be the same as you wrote in your skin XMLs, in the part of Shareaza CMainWnd:

    <part name="TopLeft" rect="x,x,Width,x"/>
  3. Mirror the new image.

  4. Make a note of the following sizes:

    • nCaptionOffset = This is the offset between x=0 of your new mirrored image to the start of Shareaza caption. Part 1 in the logo image above.

    • nCaptionWidth = This is the width between the start of Shareaza caption and the end of Shareaza caption you want to mirror. Part 2 in the logo image above.

    • nSystemOffset = This is the offset between the end of Shareaza caption to the start of Shareaza System icon. Part 3 in the logo image above.

    • nSytemWidth = This is the width between the start of Shareaza icon and the end of Shareaza icon. Part 4 in the logo image above.

  5. Just above "minimize" anchor in the Main Window in your skin XMLs, add this with the values you've found:

    <anchor name="Mirror" rect="nCaptionOffset,nCaptionWidth,nSystemOffset,nSytemWidth"/>
  6. In case the icon needs to be mirrored too use the name "MirrorFull" instead of "Mirror".

  7. Test the result, sometimes it won't go exactly as planned, and values will need to be changed manually +1/-1.

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