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Site feedback

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2009 02:56
by cyko_01
can you re-add the magnet link BBcode?

also a skin with the usernames and avatars on the left would be nice (subsilver sourceforge edition?). I can't stand this dyslexic layout!

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2009 05:50
by sshanu
Smilies are off but are set to on & display as images in my UCP.
They were there earlier today but gone now.

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2009 06:30
by kevogod

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2009 12:59
by cyko_01

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2009 03:13
by cyko_01
can mods have permission to sticky and unsticky threads? (since there are few admins and no supermods)

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2009 05:54
by sshanu
Can we please be able to login to these forums without being forced to use "https" ?
It's very slow & takes ages for anything here to load, sometimes loading doesn't finish & gets stuck on "transferring data from".

Smilies are back 8-)

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2009 06:00
by kevogod

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2009 06:07
by sshanu
Ok, thanks again.

Re: Site feedback

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2010 07:33
by sshanu
If I view a thread while not logged in, then login to reply in that thread it takes me back to the same thread correctly after logging in.
If I click Reply after doing this I then get the following:

"Redirect Loop
Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."

If I close the page then come back to the forum & that thread things work ok 8-)