Tutorial para la creación de Skins

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The <fonts> element changes the fonts used within the user interface. Each different font is given a name, and you can set each of these named fonts to a particular font style.

Un ejemplo de MiSkindeFuentes.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<skin xmlns="http://www.shareaza.com/schemas/Skin.xsd" version="1.0">
   <manifest name="My Font Skin" author="Me" type="Skin"/>
      <font name="System.Plain" face="Times New Roman" size="12" weight="bold"/>
      <font name="System.Plain" face="MS UI Gothic" size="12" weight="normal" language="ja"/>
      <font name="System.Plain" face="Tahoma" size="14" weight="bold" language="chs"/>

These attributes are available for each font specification:

  • name - El nombre de la fuente a usar.
  • face - The font face name, for example "Tahoma".
  • size - The font size, for example "11".
  • weight - The font weight, either as a constant or an integer value between 1 and 1000. "normal" and "bold" are also accepted.
  • language - The specific language that this font specification will be used on. Not setting this attributes will make this specification apply to all languages. The language code and not the language name should be used, for example "ja" for Japanese.

And here is a list and description of the different font target names:

Fuente Descripción
System.Plain The plain system font, used in all menus, toolbars and command bars.
System.Bold The bold/emphasis system font, used for headings and default command items.
Panel.Caption The panel window (tabbed mode) caption font.

If you want to use a font not typically found by default on Windows then you can import the font. Just include the font (in this case, Hoog0553) in your skin's folder and add the following path:

<import path="HOOG0553.ttf"/>

Un ejemplo completo:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<skin xmlns="http://www.shareaza.com/schemas/Skin.xsd" version="1.0">
   <manifest name="My Font Skin" author="Me" type="Skin"/>
      <import path="HOOG0553.ttf"/>
      <font name="System.Plain"   face="Arial" size="10" weight="bold"/>
      <font name="System.Bold"    face="Arial" size="10" weight="bold"/>
      <font name="Panel.Caption"  face="Arial" size="10" weight="bold"/>

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