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[[::DC++|English]] • [[::DC++/de|Deutsch]] • [[::DC++/es|Español]] • [[::DC++/fr|Français]] • [[::DC++/he|עברית]] • [[::DC++/it|Italiano]] • [[::DC++/nl|Nederlands]] • [[::DC++/pl|Polski]] • [[::DC++/pt|Português]] • [[::DC++/ru|Русский]] • [[::DC++/zh-hant|‪中文(繁體)]]



The DC++ network is a P2P network first supported in Shareaza v2.5.4.0. It is currently considered as a component in alpha state - this means it is not yet complete, nor stable or free of bugs. Extensive testing still has to be conducted.

Navigation:     ShareazaWiki > Networks and Hashes > DC++