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"Download Now" menu item bug

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 16:41
by flitox

i'm facing another oddity with it, every files i've started to download do not reappear in the download list (despite not being finished) when restarting shareaza.
the files are still in the incomplete folder but the part file is saved as .sav.

if i remember correctly, the only time it had happened to me before was when shareaza was not terminate properly. here all files i've added has acted this way and shareaza was closed normally.

Re: 2.6

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2012 19:14
by raspopov
I think you have problem hardware (damaged memory, overheat or HDD bad blocks)...

Re: 2.6

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2012 16:44
by flitox
which had appeared as soon as i've installed 2.6???

the only files that had that behavior are the new ones i added, no problem with the old ones
2 were xx% done and one was still at 0% (and no data received)

and as i said the only time i had those sd files saved as sav was at time when shareaza crashed, not when shutting normally and correctly

Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012 19:20
by branko-r
Just like the subject says: you start downloading the file, and the next time you start Shareaza, it's gone. It is not displayed in the Transfer window, but it's still there in the incomplete files folder!

How is this possible? I'll have to say I'm more than a little bit pissed now, this is not something one would expect after a year of waiting for the new version.

And that's not all: GUI freezing for 5 minutes or so is also super-annoying. It could happen in 2.5.x too, but was pretty tame in comparison.

I'm going back to, my guess is that all those started downloads will magically "appear".

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012 20:22
by branko-r

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2012 20:46
by branko-r
Well... My guess is as follows:
- certain files in the incomplete files folder got corrupted somehow
- hence, they were ignored
- if one starts downloading the same file again, the corrupted files only get overwritten once the first byte is downloaded
- therefore, if one closes Shareaza before the first byte is downloaded and then opens it again, it will appear as if the download is gone

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2012 00:24
by branko-r
It's much worse than that. I've even cancelled all the downloads (interestingly, those files which were "invisible" in the transfer window yet still present in the incomplete files folder remained in this folder after the cancellation of all downloads) and then started a couple of downloads again. No luck, however: as soon as Shareaza is closed and opened again, there are no files in the Transfers window at all!

Any ideas?

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2012 18:46
by andhee
i have same problem for G2 download (ed2k too maybe)

if the downloaded file not finish and then i close/restart the raza, the file on the list is gone...

but no problem with torrent

btw, i found several bugs, i post on new thread later

Re: 2.6

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2012 18:56
by andhee
i think its a bug... 2 people already reported the same problem, 3 with me, the problem only for g2 (and ed2k maybe)

which mean file with sha1_*****

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2012 18:58
by flitox
hehe looks like i'm not alone with this!! (my post viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1339)

1st you cant go back to previous version without losing all your download, not because they disappear but because they are incompatible with the old version. it has been like that for a long time now with shareaza.

as you said, the files aren't lost despite not showing on the download window. it just that they ain't saved as .sd files but .sav files. but if you delete the .sav so the file is .sd again and then you start shareaza, your download will be seen again in the download window

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 03:58
by raspopov
Can you provide instructions how to reproduce this bug please?

Re: 2.6

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 13:25
by flitox
mine were ed2k files and i just did the test on ttr files, same result!

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 13:43
by flitox
simply start a new download and close shareaza before it finishes!! even if the files did received data for it, it works (at least here).
on the other hand, adding a file but it is in pending state (download/search ofr peer not started cause you outnumber the number of allowed download), the file is, in the incomplete folder saved as .sd (now exactly as

what i have notice:
when i put the file in the queue, in the incomplete folder i get the normal .partial + a strange .partial.sav file
but after closing shareaza things remain the same.

if i change the extention of the .partial.sav file into, the file is seen again in the list and never got back to a .sav when closing shareaza

not on topic, but when did the .sd files became named

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 15:44
by raspopov
Can not reproduce. Can you provide maget-link for such download please?

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 17:06
by flitox
sorry don't know how to make magnet link but i've just tried with that file

and again no .sd file in the incomplete folder but a .sav file

i must add that all these files were inserted in the download list using the 'download now' option when right clicking on them, since i got a list of download bigger than the number of active downloading files.

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 21:36
by raspopov

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2012 23:19
by branko-r

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2012 04:10
by raspopov

Re: Downloads disappear in

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2012 09:42
by branko-r

Re: "Download Now" menu item bug

PostPosted: 20 Jun 2012 19:57
by branko-r
Indeed, there are incomplete .partial.sav files, and all one has to do is to rename them to, as suggested above. These downloads do not seem to be corrupted, they reappear within Shareaza and resume in a normal way. Thanks again!

Re: "Download Now" menu item bug

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2012 03:37
by raspopov
Just "{hash}.sd".

It was very interesting bug. Bad code was inside Shareaza since 2010 but has been "sleeping" all the time and waiting for recent optimization in Code has start working by "Download Now" menu item only and only for regular file downloads, torrent-files not affected. Fixed in r9171.

Re: "Download Now" menu item bug

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2012 22:54
by branko-r