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Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 19 Nov 2012 18:54
by queueclimber
When using the Preview the preview file is createting, but then after finishing the previewprocess it deletes by itself.
This never happens before.
ok, mostly the file was usable, rarely not.
And this happens not for all previews.
Some were stored, some deleting :?
Is there a way to catch them ?

Edit: I want to specify. This happens for Video files. MP3's or other files not tested.

Re: Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 20 Nov 2012 20:38
by old_death
AFAIK, the latest snapshot/debug build should fix this issue. If it does not, plz report back here and we will look more deeply into your problem. ;)


Re: Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012 02:57
by queueclimber
Surely, after detecting the problem I've updated to r9251.
No compileroptimisations except /MP /Ob1 and SSE2

Re: Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012 13:26
by old_death
So have you tested whether the build actually fixes the issue?

Re: Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012 19:22
by queueclimber
Found the problem.
After looking into the .incomplete with a Hexeditor, there is no start.
( This was not seen in progressbar. Width was too small )
Which means, the first part of the file is missing.
Even after detecting it is .avi/.mpg the ( header/intro) ( ???, sorry, my poor english )
is not rewritten/created by the plugin.
( But it seems, the plugin can flush the frames )

This feature is really out of bounds for your programmers.
( Not that they can't do, there will be not willing to do that. And that's ok. )
I'm waiting till getting the missing part.

But please, update the smiley.

Re: Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012 22:17
by old_death
Your English is good enough to understand everything you're writing, so you don't have to apologize. There are a lot of people asking for help in here that are much more difficult to understand. :mrgreen:

And BTW, Confused is made like this: :? (just quote my post to see its code)

Re: Preview file deletes after createting

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012 22:32
by queueclimber
Thank you.
Edited first post.
But with the questiomarks above the head: it looks really much......cooler