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Generated DC files.xml.bz2 is invalid

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013 12:53
by yorhel

I recently stumbled upon a user on the Direct Connect network whose file list I was unable to open (using ncdc 1.14). The users' client was advertised as "Shareaza", and I noticed that there was a bug in the received files.xml.bz2 file. All XML element and attribute names were lowercase, but the spec[1] requires different casing. XML names are case-sensitive.

I've committed a "fix" to the ncdc git repo[2] to accept these lists, but it'd be nice to have this fixed in Shareaza, too.


Re: Generated DC files.xml.bz2 is invalid

PostPosted: 30 Jan 2013 23:36
by old_death
This would be something for Ryo-oh-ki to handle.

Re: Generated DC files.xml.bz2 is invalid

PostPosted: 02 Feb 2013 09:36
by raspopov
Fixed in r9257.