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Bug: Shareaza stops responding on "stop seeding" for BT

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2009 09:29
by mcwerewolf
I ran into the following problem:
When selecting "stop seeding" on a bittorrent download after it has been completed and verified, while the tracker has gone down, (status "Tracker Down" on a completed/verified download) Shareaza stops responding. The only option is to forcefully close the application and restart it.

Re: Bug: Shareaza stops responding on "stop seeding" for BT

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2009 10:52
by old_death
Shareaza version? Crash happened? In case it did: Crash report?

Re: Bug: Shareaza stops responding on "stop seeding" for BT

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2009 19:36
by diztrancer
Nowadays i don't use BT protocol in Shareaza, but not so long ago I also experienced this - i stopped torrent and Shareaza became unresponsive.

Re: Bug: Shareaza stops responding on "stop seeding" for BT

PostPosted: 30 Aug 2009 23:33
by ocexyz
I also had some strange problems to "restart" downloading BT after it was stoped.Around r8146. No crash. 1 or 2 BT sources with about 0,09KB download, while before "stop" was about 120-150KB and 20 BT sources.