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Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2009 23:14
by loopyloo
Shareaza is unable to download files in excess of 5gb from ED2K. ED2K gives a message "your software is too old, please update to latest version". I think Shareaza needs some more work on ED2K large file support.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2009 10:29
by old_death
What version of Shareaza are you using? There have been fixes on the large file support in v2.5.0.0.


Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2009 18:23
by ocexyz

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 10 Nov 2009 21:10
by old_death

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 01:04
by loopyloo
It was that was unable to download a 5.51gb file from eDonkey.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 05:34
by ailurophobe
Random guess but the message is coming from the ED2K server and it doesn't actually know whether a particular version of Shareaza supports large files or not. What it does know is which version of the relevant request the client sent and apparently you sent a version used by emule clients before large file support was added instead of a version used by emule versions after that. So the server assumes you have an old client from time before large file support. So it isn't really about large file support, it is about communicating with the server 'old style'. Just a guess, but things like that happen since Shareaza is on a more or less separate track from the rest of the ED2K clients. EDIT: The 'relevant request' might not be the file request, it could be the connection request just as easily. Although for UDP they are probably the same thing.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 09:40
by old_death
That's strange as there has been an update to the server flags to enable large file support lately, so theoretically this shouldn't happen anymore. I'll add a tracker ticket for Ryo to check this when he gets some free time.

EDIT: Trac Ticket #64

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 11:41
by loopyloo
I installed Shareaza r8308 and eDonkey sources are showing for the file now. Looks like this has been fixed.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 12:04
by ocexyz

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 17:05
by raspopov
No ED2K code changed since release. It's ED2K server only issue. Contact server admin and ask him to fix this situation.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 17:06
by ocexyz

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 17:09
by raspopov
May be its not a server but some client (old eMule, etc.) so its just gone at this time.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 11 Nov 2009 21:54
by ailurophobe
Or maybe he made a clean install for the debug build? Too lazy to check how it is in 2.5 but large file support used to be a switchable setting and used to IIRC actually initially default to false since it was experimental. Presumably this would make Shareaza tell the server large files are not supported. That said it is true that ED2K server admins do sometimes have odd ideas of Shareaza and could just have a wrong config somewhere and this would change depending which server you connect to.

Re: Shareaza Seems Unable to Download Large Files from ED2K

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2009 13:33
by old_death