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Security Filter

PostPosted: 27 Jul 2009 16:13
by sshanu
Hey All,

When I ban a user from the search window with the user IP gets added to the filter.
It also adds the urn:sha1 corresponding with the particular file I right clicked & banned user on.

Is there a way to stop it doing that & make it just add the IP address only?

The IP's I'm banning at the moment are the usual variety of "" spammers.
These usually reply with multiple results to the same query, all with different sha1's.
When I ban one of these idiots, only the corresponding sha1 is added to the filter.
It doesn't add the rest of the sha1's from this one user even though it removes all the files listed by that user upon banning.

Been doing this for a while now & the list is getting rather large, to keep performance at a reasonable level I have to keep removing all the sha1's added with these IP bans to reduce the size of the filter.
From what I can see, none of the sha1's added by banning these users gets any hits at all with nearly continuous searching.
The user IP's get lots though, over 8000 hits on one of them for a 30 hour session.

It seems to be a real waste of rescources adding these sha1's to the filter when an IP address is banned.
If it's made to do this for sha1 banning purposes I guess it would make more sense to add all the sha1's from the same lot of search results displayed by that user, though that would be bad for performance as instead of adding 1 it would add many.

I've been looking & haven't stumbled across how to stop the sha1 being added along with the IP, please do tell if there is a way it can be done.

Re: Security Filter

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2009 06:08
by sshanu
Forgot to explain how I do this if anyone is interested.

Open a new search, select video, type the words "ban the user" without quotes, click More, uncheck all the boxes, click Filter, click Search.
Shouldn't take long before the .zip's start rolling in. Once there's some results check the sha1 of the file you right click on to ban user & that should be the only sha1 from that user added to the filter along with the IP address.
If one has all .zip files blocked in the filter already I guess that entry will have to be removed, I started with an empty filter.

Re: Security Filter

PostPosted: 12 Aug 2009 09:29
by sshanu
Is there a way, when adding IP's to the Security Filter from search results, to make it add the IP only & not the sha1 corresponding with the IP?

And while I'm here, how does one un-forget a download source?
I accidently clicked "forget" on a source, now this source is permanently filtered and appears in search results when the minimum number of sources is changed from 1 to 0 on the filter tab.
If I try to add that source Shareaza ignores it even though it's a perfectly good sharing source.
Can this "forget" be undone?