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poor search results/unfinished downloads

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2013 22:48
by cherrybomb666

so let me first apologize - I looked to see if I could anything regarding my questions and couldn't really see anything related. and also, i'm not super tech savvy so any gaffes I may make.

well here's my issue/observance - it seems like over the past year or so it seems I have noticed when I do a search for any popular shows/movies that i'm not getting many results, especially for current shows. and when i'm looking for a file I usually try get something xvid-afg.avi or xvid-fum.avi in the file name (does that make any sense?) b/c they're pretty reliable and fast and good quality. now even when I download those files I get to maybe 5, 10 20% and they just end - the file will sit there for months and not finish. I've gone over my settings again and again, it doesn't seem like anything's changed. my connection tests are good. I can seem to find anything that would explain. so i'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this? or is just an increasing lack of access to this stuff?

I just thought i'd put it out there. thanks for any feedback.

Re: poor search results/unfinished downloads

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2013 23:31
by old_death
If the file names are strange like that and if the file sizes don't match what you would expect from the duration of the video file you're looking for, then you've probably downloaded spam files, which would explain for them never actually finishing to download.