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Project of the Week

PostPosted: 28 Jul 2014 20:55
by raspopov
Shareaza was featured as Project of the Week and now on first page of SourceForge. :o

Re: Project of the Week

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2014 15:07
by old_death
Why weren't we informed beforehand? I mean it's great but it would have been kind of nice to be forewarned...

Re: Project of the Week

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2014 15:11
by old_death

Re: Project of the Week

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2014 18:24
by queuesclimber
Yes, it should be

Shareaza is a very powerful multi-network peer-to-peer file-sharing client supporting G1/G2/ed2k, BitTorrent, DC++, HTTP, FTP and DHT protocols
for Windows or Wine.