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Including facebook fan box on the botton of downloads page

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2009 11:12
by old_death
I've just found this by chance... What about including the facebook fan box into the downloads page of our website? This can be easily done by some scripting or by adding an iframe. It would be cool to advertise the fb support group at this place (directly below the link to the debug builds page, which needs some little icon or similar to make it more visible, BTW), as more people knew about it. (PR effect)

More information on how to add it to our site can be accessed here:


PS.: The admins of the group will need to be contacted to make this possible, I think.

Re: Including facebook fan box on the botton of downloads page

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2009 18:17
by cyko_01
If anywhere it would make the most sense to put it on the main page as a sidebar (like the tell-a-friend one). We would need to resize it for that to work though, since it is too wide. A "page badge", although it contains much less information (and fewer images), might fit better and would serve the same purpose.