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Clarification on multi-source downloads

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2015 16:13
by tgp1994
I'm hoping someone may be able to tell me if Shareaza supports a particular feature when it comes to HTTP downloads.

My understanding is that most download managers support splitting a single download into multiple parts, which then opens multiple connections to the same server to download those parts. This seems to be less and less effective though as more providers catch on and implement methods for stopping this.

A great feature would be if some of those parts are sourced from a different mirror, since large files are typically uploaded to multiple mirrors anyways. Does Shareaza support HTTP downloads from multiple sources for the same file?

Re: Clarification on multi-source downloads

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2015 17:48
by raspopov
Shareaza is a multi-protocol multi-source downloader.

Re: Clarification on multi-source downloads

PostPosted: 14 Feb 2015 18:28
by tgp1994