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Save partial file as whole file?
24 Apr 2015 05:03
by orios2003
Occasionally I try to download a file and it almost finishes (99.45% for example) but never completes. Is there an option to save the file and ignore the fact that a tiny portion is missing?
Re: Save partial file as whole file?
24 Apr 2015 16:19
by raspopov
Yes, in the Actions tab of download Properties dialog.
Re: Save partial file as whole file?
24 Apr 2015 17:50
by queuesclimber
Or you can use Preview File from context menu.
Re: Save partial file as whole file?
04 May 2015 18:11
by queuesclimber
Just a suggestion Ryu: Save "Preview of filexyz.file" not into incomplete-folder.
Instead of, save it to downloadfolder from settings.
BTW, Preview File also works with .zip, .rar, .torrent and maybe others.
So the "Actions tab of download Properties dialog"-entry can be removed for stripping code.
Downloadfolder the users know.