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PostPosted: 19 Oct 2015 03:13
by derp12345
Is this legit? Maybe this is a dumb question, but I thought this project was long dead. The last update was almost two years ago. Now there's an update with no change log? Is this project still in good hands?

Re: Shareaza

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2015 08:26
by raspopov
Legit. Last update was almost year ago. You must directly check SVN logs untill someone will crate a user readable text.

Re: Shareaza

PostPosted: 22 Oct 2015 01:18
by kathw
Oh my, what a question, to this day I still use an older version and it works perfectly.. what's your problem?

For your info, the project is in the hands of Ryo.. who has done most of the coding along with Rolandas in the early days since Mike Stokes created Shareaza then handed it over to the community.

Even the older versions still work well.. I know, I use one :)