by zigozag » 24 Jun 2009 17:12
It's just a personbal choice but I'd rather keep such security warnings enabled, they may be useful for important sites. Sure, your bank is unlikely to compromise your security by mixing hostile unencrypted data, but anyway...
<shameless ad>Again, a personal choice, but I'd definitely recommend Firefox over IE8. You get a much better product than the piece of crap bundled by default to Windows for the same price (free). It's simply better, it doesn't mess up with your computer - if you don't like it it unistalls gracefully - and as a bonus there are tons of extensions you won't be able to live without once you get used to them. FlashBlock alone justifies the switch IMHO. Last but not least, Firefox respects the standards: the more people use it, the better for the free/open source Theora codec with the new HTML5 and its <video> tag.</shameless ad>