A newbie questions about Shareaza
Posted: 18 Sep 2010 03:07
I have been reading the wiki and followed old_deaths exellent installing instructions. But there is more that i would like to know so I wonder if you all could help me with my quest to know this exellent program better. They will cover a lot of different topics.
1) What do all the color on the download bar exactly mean? (blue-green-brown i different shades) and specially if the lower bar have red "stripes". (The sharewiki info on this was very limited.
2) How do Shareaza work with files and names? I downloaded two files that turned out to be the same file but had different names. Is it possible to somehow merge them so they will become one? So poeple will not have to do the same "mistake" I did?
3) What happens if I change a file name, will there be several versions from the former name and the new one or will Shareaza know that is is the same file? (How do the file identification work)
4) Why is it very rare for me to have more than one downloader per file. Is is just me or do the program work that way? (My uppload speed is usually 2-4 times higher than my download speed)
5) When you search for a file is it only the poeple that are online you get results from or do it "remembers" those that are offline?
6) What is the differance between the command "disconnect" or "forget" a if I use on an uploader?
7) Some files have stalled because there is no one online with 100% of the file. When I did searches and found someone with all the file I copied the url and added maually but nothing happened. Is is just me not doing it right or something else?
8) If I ban someone that is having malwares, will I be able to get him on my uppload list if he/she haves a file the I am looking for?
9) I tried to follow old_death's instructions about tweaking the TCPIP stuff. But on the page when I folowed to the links to "Vista TCP/IP and UAC Auto Patcher " they didn't work. After a lot of reseach I came over this tool: TCPOptimizer.exe. On this page: http://www.speedguide.net/tcpoptimizer.php
Will it do all the work needed when I run in on the optimal choice. Or do i have to do more adjustments? (I have Windows Vista Home Premium)
Btw I have never been into registry and stuff before so I fell very uncomfortable doing these things to avoid permanet damage/crashes.
10) Can .txt extensions contain malware?
11) I started to use the tabbed mode, but old_deaht said you could do more in the window mode. What are the advantages and how do I use that mode to take maximum advantage of my usage of Shareaza.
12) Since I am a newbie about this, if I change to the old mediaplayer will that cause problems when a new version comes?
These are the questions that have come to my mind while starting to use this program. And I hope for your patience and expertise in answering them.
I will also thank all people working on this project and forum for there effort and time to make this work.
Finally I have done some search on this forum regarding these questions but not all. Pls be patient and just add a link when it is appropiate.
PS I do not expect one person to answer all my question, so please just answer the ones you know, that will help me a lot DS
Thank you all in advance, Thindril.
1) What do all the color on the download bar exactly mean? (blue-green-brown i different shades) and specially if the lower bar have red "stripes". (The sharewiki info on this was very limited.
2) How do Shareaza work with files and names? I downloaded two files that turned out to be the same file but had different names. Is it possible to somehow merge them so they will become one? So poeple will not have to do the same "mistake" I did?
3) What happens if I change a file name, will there be several versions from the former name and the new one or will Shareaza know that is is the same file? (How do the file identification work)
4) Why is it very rare for me to have more than one downloader per file. Is is just me or do the program work that way? (My uppload speed is usually 2-4 times higher than my download speed)
5) When you search for a file is it only the poeple that are online you get results from or do it "remembers" those that are offline?
6) What is the differance between the command "disconnect" or "forget" a if I use on an uploader?
7) Some files have stalled because there is no one online with 100% of the file. When I did searches and found someone with all the file I copied the url and added maually but nothing happened. Is is just me not doing it right or something else?
8) If I ban someone that is having malwares, will I be able to get him on my uppload list if he/she haves a file the I am looking for?
9) I tried to follow old_death's instructions about tweaking the TCPIP stuff. But on the page when I folowed to the links to "Vista TCP/IP and UAC Auto Patcher " they didn't work. After a lot of reseach I came over this tool: TCPOptimizer.exe. On this page: http://www.speedguide.net/tcpoptimizer.php
Will it do all the work needed when I run in on the optimal choice. Or do i have to do more adjustments? (I have Windows Vista Home Premium)
Btw I have never been into registry and stuff before so I fell very uncomfortable doing these things to avoid permanet damage/crashes.
10) Can .txt extensions contain malware?
11) I started to use the tabbed mode, but old_deaht said you could do more in the window mode. What are the advantages and how do I use that mode to take maximum advantage of my usage of Shareaza.
12) Since I am a newbie about this, if I change to the old mediaplayer will that cause problems when a new version comes?
These are the questions that have come to my mind while starting to use this program. And I hope for your patience and expertise in answering them.
I will also thank all people working on this project and forum for there effort and time to make this work.
Finally I have done some search on this forum regarding these questions but not all. Pls be patient and just add a link when it is appropiate.
PS I do not expect one person to answer all my question, so please just answer the ones you know, that will help me a lot DS
Thank you all in advance, Thindril.