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Filtering Spam

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2009 14:36
by andyb6354
Say you search for an audio file "Song Name"
You'll get some fake files titled "Song Name" and you could block exact matches and sill have enough hits to chose from.
But, You'll also get some fake files titled "Name Song" yet these files don't have any of the extra information when you mouse over them ie Artist, Album, Year, ect. Could someone make a filter for audio searches that blocks hits without that info?

I had limewire, had to reformat me hard drive. Googled "spyware free p2p" and here I am. Love it.

Re: Filtering Spam

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2009 02:43
by cyko_01
shareaza filters do not allow you to filter by metadata (although it would be nice). The only metadata you can filter is filesize, but cannot be done through the security window

Re: Filtering Spam

PostPosted: 23 Jul 2009 00:54
by zigozag