Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

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Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby dannyainge » 04 Aug 2010 04:02

I'm a bit of a Newb so please excuse my ignorance. Lately i've been noticing some unusual speed stats showing up. I am now getting some readings like 50-60 KB 'In' and than a low number like 4-5 KB 'Out.' These numbers are unusual to me because when they show up with a number like 50-60KB 'In' i'm not seeing any of my files downloading or if they are,they are downloading at a much lower speed like 4 to 5KB. I'm not really sure what these numbers mean. I thought that the speed number 'In' meant what speed my files were downloading at. I could be wrong about that though. Anyway this has only started recently. I'm just seeing a pretty large speed number 'In' with a small speed number 'Out.' I was just wondering what this means. In the past when i saw a large speed number 'In' i saw this reflected in my files downloading. Now this high speed 'In' isn't being reflected in my files downloading speeds. Ok,hope i described this issue properly. Thanks all for any possible help. Btw,i do love Shareaza. You guys do a great job.
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Re: Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby dannyainge » 04 Aug 2010 04:16

So the 'in' speed number represents my download speed. I think i'm correct on that. Yea sometimes that 'in' speed shows a pretty high number but sometimes i don't see any of my files being downloaded at that time. So what is being downloaded if not my files? Sometimes it also shows a big number and there are a couple of my files downloading but at a much slower speed than the speed showing up on the 'in' stat. Hmm? Seems pretty weird. Ok,just thinking out loud. I'm sure i'll need some help on this one. Thanks again.
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Re: Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby kevogod » 04 Aug 2010 04:51

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Re: Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby ailurophobe » 04 Aug 2010 19:58

Also, Shareaza actually does use the bandwidth for some stuff other than file transfers. Network overhead, I guess the general term would be. But this should not be significant unless you are running as a G2 hub.
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Re: Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby dannyainge » 04 Aug 2010 21:08

Yea it happened a lot again today. It's showing like 50KB or higher on the 'in' stat but none of my files are showing that they're being downloaded. So i guess i just don't understand what's being downloaded if my files aren't showing a download in progress. Sometime it does show a file being downloaded but at a much lower speed than the 'in' stat is showing. Maybe someone knows what exactly would be downloading if my files aren't. Thanks for the help so far. I am a Newb though. Thanks again for any future help on understanding this.
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Re: Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby dannyainge » 04 Aug 2010 22:13

Ok,just checked the graph and there does seem to be constant spikes of 'Total Generic Receive Bandwidth' speed. That would be the green line i guess. It jumps to like 60KB or higher for a few seconds or sometimes longer and then it drops again. When these spikes happen i don't see any of my files being downloaded in the transfers. But this is happening a lot. The 'in' stat just isn't reflecting my downloads in the transfers for the most part. So what is being downloaded when these spikes occur? Not knowing this really does trouble me. Am i being hacked or something? Hmm?
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Re: Getting Some Unusual Speed Stats...

Postby old_death » 04 Aug 2010 22:31

These spikes are most probably search results being returned. (Even if you're not searching yourself, Shareaza automatically searches for the files that are in your download list to find more sources for them.)
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