Motorola SBG900 Port Forwarding???

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Motorola SBG900 Port Forwarding???

Postby blackman75 » 11 Aug 2009 23:29

I have a Motorola SBG900. I've followed the directions for port forwarding and still get the message that I am behind a NAT or Firewall. I have forwarded Windows and the modem/router. The directions for forwarding the router seem wrong since I can only do up to the second last stage. The very last step says I already have a port configured that way. I tried setting up a static IP and lose my internet all together. I am running XP. If anyone can please HELP!!!!

The Blackman
Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Aug 2009 23:24

Re: Motorola SBG900 Port Forwarding???

Postby blackman75 » 11 Aug 2009 23:34

Ok btw I am to the point that Shareaza has the message I mentioned but it does download between 25-75KB/s is the message just a false negative and everything is working fine? Seems to be. Shows I am connected to 6 neighbors and before was only 1.
Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Aug 2009 23:24

Re: Motorola SBG900 Port Forwarding???

Postby sshanu » 12 Aug 2009 10:40

If you pass the connection test (Help > Connection Test) & have no troubles transferring files & getting search results go into Settings > Internet > Connection & change "Can accept incoming connections" to Yes.
That should stop the message appearing.
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