Leaves with Leaves?

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Leaves with Leaves?

Postby soul1355 » 21 Mar 2011 22:51

I haven't been spending enough time at my computer recently to be elivated to Hub while I'm still awake enough to be doing anything with it, but Just now, but today I got on early, and just noticed I've.. been Hubbed? anyway, I skimmed the leaf list and almost 20% or so of the leaves had 300 or so leaves of their own. having just read Old_Deaths post about limiting hub-hub connections, I was wondering whats going on, and if I should do anything about it? they're all shareaza as well btw.
EDIT: intrestingly, I looked closer, and aside from my one peer connection, all the leaves show as shareaza is it a false client maybe? or was it a bug, and I happen to have stumbled uppon some dark corner of the G2 network where nobody knows there's been an update? :lol:
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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby old_death » 22 Mar 2011 01:34

So in fact other Hubs do connect to you as Leaves? That's strange indeed. Seems like either there is a bug within the network management or within the GUI.
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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby soul1355 » 23 Mar 2011 01:04

yeah, either I was collecting hubs as leaves, or it was some client that pretended to be shareaza that somehow reported being a leaf to hubs, but being a hub to other leaves. I'll keep an eye out and let you know if I see it again.
it seems odd it would be the GUI though, because the leaves shown were consistently connected to the same "leaves" and I did have at least one actual hub-hub connection. and I have been a hub before with a more normal default-300-leaves and a few hubs connected without anything like this, I don't remember if it was before the last update or not though...
also, 20% may have been a bit more than what it actually ended up being, but there were quite a few.
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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby raspopov » 23 Mar 2011 20:25

Provide screenshots please.
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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby old_death » 23 Mar 2011 21:26

After firing up my Shareaza as a Hub, I could quickly catch 2 such Leaf-Hubs. Here's the proof:

(I will post an other image once I have also found the most recent version connecting to me in leaf mode.)
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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby kevogod » 24 Mar 2011 03:33

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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby old_death » 24 Mar 2011 04:16

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Re: Leaves with Leaves?

Postby brov » 24 Mar 2011 13:25

Try to get a screenshot of the node that reports it. Just go to that ip using a browser.
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