by blackflag100 » 20 Feb 2011 13:48
This was happening with 2.5.3.x debug versions but it seems to happen much faster with
After Shareaza has been running for a while, the performance of all other network-using apps will start to degrade. Once it begins, deterioration is rapid. Formerly it took from 18 to 48 hours of continuous operation of Shareaza for symptoms to occur and a few more to render other network apps unusable; with it takes less than 6 hours for symptoms to occur and under 2 for the web browser at least to become very awkward to use.
Symptoms include:
Browser very slow to load pages. Will show progress 85-95% of the way across, then stop for a while, taking up to several full minutes to get the last few %. Oddly, incremental display of pages doesn't work when this strikes; it won't display the page to halfway down, or with a few images not yet loaded, or anything like that, instead continuing to display the previous page until the new one is 100% loaded. That is, the progress meter shows it fetching a new page but the display does not follow along and blank as soon as it begins to retrieve the new page, then display more and more of the new page, etc., but instead waits until the new page is completely loaded and then suddenly "catches up".
As it gets worse, images embedded in pages will randomly fail to load at all.
Once it gets severe, browser begins to screw up formatting the pages it does load. Pages will be badly formatted, background colors changed, bold blue/purple lines around images that shouldn't have borders, abnormal fonts and font sizes, and disruptions to page layout. Videos (e.g. Youtube) will stutter and pause frequently. Random error messages, claiming the remote host sent an RST packet, start occurring.
Other apps mostly exhibit long delays and occasional timeouts, e.g. trying to fetch or send mail.
These symptoms seem to suggest something is increasing latency and especially increasing the time taken to handshake new connections.
The odd thing is that Shareaza itself remains in the proverbial eye of the storm, downloading and uploading merrily without any visible ill effects.
What Shareaza itself isn't doing that all the other apps are, of course, is DNS lookups, so I have to wonder if the very long handshake times in other applications are because DNS is being inhibited somehow.
Obviously, none of this should be happening.
It can be fixed but at a cost: the Internet connection has to be forced to disconnect and reconnect, e.g. by rebooting the router. The cost is my IP address changes, so all Shareaza downloads are interrupted, queue positions lost, etc. (especially annoying after just getting near the front of a lengthy ed2k queue).
This is not a problem with hardware or any other software on my system: it does not ever, ever occur unless I run Shareaza for several hours. Running everything else for days and heavily surfing the web, downloading video, etc. does not trigger it. Only running Shareaza triggers it.
I'd guess some interaction between Shareaza and the Windows Vista network stack; loss of connectivity may cause the OS to unload some components it reloads if connectivity resumes, and that may happen to undo the problem by rebooting one of the affected components. The one odd spot is that this doesn't quite explain the changed browser page-display behavior (no more incremental update of the display when a page is loading but not yet fully loaded), which shouldn't happen without changes specifically to the application.
I suppose we're just lucky this can be fixed short of rebooting the whole damn computer.