Annoying popups

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Annoying popups

Postby zygote1 » 30 Apr 2011 20:29

A recent thread here recommended solving the G2 connection problems by using a debug build.

Well, I did that, but:

1. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to start up, over five minutes, during which it uses 25% CPU. That causes heating problems with my laptop.

2. After a while it starts spamming you with popups about some kind of "assertion failure" on "line 192" of "neighbors.cpp". This dialog has an "ignore" button, but no convenient checkbox for "do the same for all further popups like this one". It generates these at a rate of one every few seconds once it starts.

3. The popups steal focus and interrupt doing other things, such as gaming and watching movies.

4. After a while, the debug build just spontaneously disappears -- the window vanishes and it's gone from the task list. Obviously this interrupts any searches and downloads in progress (not to mention uploads, forcing you to be a bad neighbor). And because of item 1 it takes a ridiculously long time to get everything up and running again.

OK, then -- got any more brilliant ideas?
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Re: Annoying popups

Postby ailurophobe » 30 Apr 2011 20:48

It is "Neighbour.cpp", not "Neighbours.cpp"

I know this because the "Neighbours.cpp" does not have 192 lines...

Anyway, it is caused by Shareaza trying to close an invalid socket. Does it vary depending on which networks you connect to?

You might also try clearing the host cache... A problem in there might cause both slow start up and creation of neighbors with invalid sockets.
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Re: Annoying popups

Postby cyko_01 » 30 Apr 2011 21:12

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Re: Annoying popups

Postby zygote1 » 30 Apr 2011 21:22

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Re: Annoying popups

Postby zygote1 » 30 Apr 2011 21:49

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Re: Annoying popups

Postby zygote1 » 30 Apr 2011 22:35

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Re: Annoying popups

Postby zygote1 » 30 Apr 2011 23:04

I am becoming frustrated.

That state of affairs is incorrect. I have not done anything wrong and therefore do not deserve to be being subjected to frustration.

I require the following information within five (5) minutes: a short sequence of easy to follow instructions that will result in my copy of Shareaza working correctly. By "working correctly" is meant that it:

WILL start up in no more than two (2) minutes.

WILL connect to G2, as well as G1, ed2k, and DC++, and will do so in a normal manner, in a reasonable time-frame, and without complaint.

WILL download, upload, and search normally on all four of these.

WILL NOT spam me with popups.

WILL NOT randomly interrupt me while I am working in other applications -- it is EXTREMELY RUDE for an application to demand a user's complete and undivided attention and ESPECIALLY for it to steal input focus while the user is typing in some other window. Such behavior WILL NOT BE TOLERATED in MY computer!

WILL NOT spontaneously disappear without even a by-your-leave. That behavior is INSUBORDINATION. I am the CAPTAIN of this machine. NOBODY just freely disappears on me without my first explicitly saying "DISMISSED!". I expect to be treated with RESPECT within my own machine, of which I, and no one else, am the OWNER!

I will check back here in five minutes. Instructions must by then have been posted which:

WILL work -- afterward, I should have a copy of Shareaza installed that will adhere to the requirements stated above, none of which I believe to be in any way unreasonable.

WILL NOT take very much time or effort to implement -- say, no more than twice the time and effort entailed in an ordinary download and install of a copy of Shareaza. If it's just some sort of menu-diving and settings-tweaking, so much the better.

WILL NOT cost me any of my incomplete downloads or other data.

I hope I have now made my requirements adequately clear, since it has become evident from the lack of any such information so far in this forum thread, even after allowing several full hours for someone to post it, that I had not done so before -- sadly so, since really it should be obvious to the software's authors that those requirements should be met by it and that there is no reasonable excuse for them not to be.
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Re: Annoying popups

Postby zygote1 » 01 May 2011 01:42

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Re: Annoying popups

Postby ailurophobe » 01 May 2011 03:59

Still looks like corrupted host cache to me. An issue with DC++ hub serialize, maybe?

Anyway, could somebody move this to another forum since this is specific to the debug build?
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Re: Annoying popups

Postby cyko_01 » 01 May 2011 13:20

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