Sound Syncing
29 Jan 2011 16:49
by rorer715
On some video files the audio & video are not in sync, sometimes by as much as a couple of minutes. How can I get them back in sync. I'm currently using Win 7 and Win DVD Maker.
Re: Sound Syncing
29 Jan 2011 18:21
by blackflag100
If you use VLC to play back videos, it has an option to change the synchronization. But you'll have to do it every time you play the video.
Virtualdub can read most avi files, move the audio relative to the video, and re-encode but you may have some loss of quality.
Re: Sound Syncing
30 Jan 2011 18:01
by raspopov
It can be: 1) old buggy video and audio codecs; or 2) too slow computer.
ffdshow codec, it can help in both cases.