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Help Need configuring Superhub

PostPosted: 05 Feb 2011 11:47
by igotastaff
:? Hi all , I am a newbie to the forum so please bear with me..
I have been happily using Shareaza for many years , but recently changed to the Virgin super hub.Now I cannot configure the ports to the hub..
I have used the port forwarding software and my default ports are blocked (6346) and it recommended changing to a higher number of port. My IP address is static .
I logged onto the hub admin and tried to enter the port forwarding details but i couldn't enter the static ip address.this was due to the hub only letting me change the last digit.
the hub was saying 192.167.0.____
I needed to enter

I cannot change the 0 to a 1 any ideas ????

Shareaza is not usable and I do not know how to get around this problem, any help greatly apreciated :roll:

Re: Help Need configuring Superhub

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2011 16:22
by old_death
Well, then maybe you should simply change the address of your PC to match the range you can use on your Hub...

Re: Help Need configuring Superhub

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2011 18:37
by cyko_01
have you already tried enabling UPNP in shareaza and seeing if that works before manually doing port forwarding?

Re: Help Need configuring Superhub

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2011 04:52
by raspopov
I have ADSL modem (TREDNet) which wont configure any IP address except from built-in DHCP-server IP ranges even if DHCP-server was disabled. So... 1) Turn DHCP on; 2) Select range; 2) Turn DHCP off; 3) Configure static IP.