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Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2011 02:57
by topgumf16
Over the past few Shareaza versions I have been unable to add any new files to my queue without getting a file error indication in the status column that I am unable to resolve. Additionally, If I need to close Shareaza I loose progress on most of my queued files it can go from 99% to 0% just because I had to reboot (exited program first) to install an update to windows. Otherwise my down/up loads seem to work fine. Any help/insight would be appreciated. Win 7-64, 4GB Ram, AMD Quad core Phenom 9150e

Re: Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2011 10:32
by old_death
Have you checked whether you have the correct read/write permissions within the folder your downloads are being stored in during download (incompletes folder) respectively upon completion? Such access right issues are a common problem among Win7 and Vista users.

Re: Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2011 05:35
by topgumf16
Thanks for the idea, it's a very logical approach but permissions were not a problem. BUT I just realized I'm storing my incompletes on a USB external drive. Could this be a factor?

Re: Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2011 23:37
by old_death
You could just try it out by migrating the incompletes folder to an internal drive again. It's best to have that folder on the same drive and partition than the download folder anyways, as this is better for the lifetime of your hard drives.

Re: Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 16 Mar 2011 14:31
by cyko_01

Re: Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2011 03:08
by topgumf16
Thank you, thank you, Thank you. I move the incompletes folder to my C drive and restarted Shareaza and didn't loose my download progress. Looks like I've also resolved my new downloads issue.

PS the USB dive always came up with the same drive letter.

Re: Persistant download issues

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2011 15:36
by old_death
:) We're glad we could help you.