connection issue

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connection issue

Postby fahadusa » 15 Mar 2011 00:09

hay all

i use shareaza for long time ago for some time now i face a connection issues the sharezaz is keep searching for servers but it wont connect, i use the same router and same pc for long time now but this issue just poped out of now where i tried to make a connection test and the results came out as the following:

"TCP: The TCP connection has timed out. This can be due to a stealth firewall or router that has not been configured properly for Shareaza.
UDP: No answer has been received from your client. This can have various reasons, like that your firewall or router isn't properly configured for Shareaza, or Shareaza is not running on this port, or not connecting to the networks."

i'm sure that the firewalls in the router is disabled the same thing for the windows firewall :roll: :roll:

pleas guys.... your assistance is highly deprecated
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Re: connection issue

Postby cyko_01 » 15 Mar 2011 02:53

have you tried enabling UPNP in shareaza? ( tools > shareaza settings > connection ). If you have tried that and you still do not pass the connection test( after restarting shareaza) you may need to do manual port forwarding on your router
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Re: connection issue

Postby z3r0n3t » 16 Mar 2011 06:37

I had the same problem connecting to G2 today. Yesterday, I upgraded from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 and afterwards G1, G2, eDonkey, and DC++ all came up. (I followed instruction for DC++ on forum.) However, several times today, I restarted Shareaza and each time G1, eDonkey and DC++ "neighbors" connected. However G2 never did. Not a UPnP issue since nothing changed on network. I requeried all of the servers (except those blocked) under Discovery Services and still no G2 "neighbors". I then cleared all of the host caches (G2 Cluster, BitTorrent, and Kademlia were already empty), requeried the Discovery Services and loaded the DC++ hosts. I noticed that the G2 "neighbors" reappeared and G2 Cluster had entries. Is this a related? If so, why would the G2 Cluster entries disappear in the first place?
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Re: connection issue

Postby lolix2 » 17 Mar 2011 21:49

Same problem here. (France) I recently upgrade to

Today, all of a sudden, the connection to a single G2 hub took a dozen of minutes. Still waiting for a second hub.
First G1 hub was quiclky connected. Then it took also a dozen of minutes to connect to other 2.

All four G1 and G2 hubs are in the US. Strange.

Edonkey looks OK.
Didn't try DC++.
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Re: connection issue

Postby arv1 » 18 Mar 2011 07:15

Same here, on the client takes several minutes if not hours to connect to the G2 network
It seems to have difficulty finding hubs and does not query webcaches. It tries to connect to a bunch of "peers" without success. I have to manually query webcaches to successfully connect.
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Re: connection issue

Postby blackflag100 » 18 Mar 2011 23:23

Are you seeing a lot of Chinese and Taiwanese hosts in your cache? If so, the problem's probably Foxy, a not-quite-compatible derivative of G2 they use over there. It shows up in our hosts lists but refuses to connect to G2 hosts. (I wonder if us G2 users clog their host caches too?)

There's a filter you can add to Shareaza to block Foxy from clogging the host cache, but it makes Shareaza slow. I've found that using PeerBlock with the China and Taiwan IP lists from iblocklists seems to be effective at stopping the Foxy problem without making Shareaza slow, so you might want to try that first.
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Re: connection issue

Postby arv1 » 21 Mar 2011 05:56

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Re: connection issue

Postby cyko_01 » 21 Mar 2011 13:02

do you guys see a lot of red timeout messages in the system log as well?
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Re: connection issue

Postby arv1 » 21 Mar 2011 14:47

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Re: connection issue

Postby cyko_01 » 21 Mar 2011 22:30

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