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All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2011 18:12
by eddyreen
I have this in Shareaza settings:
min transfers 2
max transfers 2
max in queue 64

In transfer view for this slot i always get 2/4
& then in network view
Refusing upload of "*" to *.*.*.* (*), All matching queues are full.

I don't seem to be able to build up a queue higher than 4 anymore,
I'm sure i share popular, i've used shareaza for eons.

:? SOS :shock:

btw: I use &can't update yet but plan to upgrade to in near future.

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 30 Mar 2011 23:05
by eddyreen
Is this not the place for stupid questions or am i the only one with this problem ?
You know, it feels bad answering your own threads.

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2011 10:36
by ailurophobe
What is your uploads.RewardQueuePercentage? Look at the advanced settings for anything that is not at default and is related to uploads, connection, or the protocol in question.

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2011 16:42
by brov
Make sure your upload queues are configured correctly. Or even try to make one big queue for all protocols (not a good idea tho)

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 31 Mar 2011 17:55
by eddyreen
So really noone is having this problem ?,

This is a unique that only happens to me ? ?

Than it must be me, who fucked up !

I've tried all defaults setting a long time ago,
i've tried an upgrade to losing my downloads in the process,
So i reverted back to

I just don't get it, I'm giving up...

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2011 08:01
by ailurophobe
You could try a clean reinstall, or IIRC Shareaza recreates the upload queues with default settings if you delete them all.

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2011 21:18
by eddyreen

Re: All matching queues are full.

PostPosted: 02 Apr 2011 11:57
by ailurophobe
You can safely increase the number of ED2K clients. And should if you want to have longer upload queues (and it may limit download performance as well). ED2k clients are queued passively, which means that they have no active connection, and only send queries at specific intervals to keep the queue position. So the overhead is pretty low. There is some, so I understand how you could see an improvement from dropping the value, but there should almost never be a reason to drop this value from default. It is usually better to use other methods to reduce the load.

I am not sure if this is in the wiki or anywhere on the current forum, but the way reward uploaders works is that it classifies uploaders into four ranks by comparing the amounts downloaded and uploaded in the currently queued downloads and uploads. (There is no persistence, when the download is finished or a source is otherwise lost, any "credit" the source might have vanishes.)

The clients that have a positive balance (rank 1 and 2? I don't really remember which way these go) are then preferred in the upload queues that have that option checked. What this means is that Shareaza reserves a percentage of upload slots and only gives clients with correct ranks access to them. So if you have no uploaders with correct ranks the effective length of the queue is cut by the reward uploaders percentage. Which is what you saw. Conversely if you have enough uploaders with correct ranks it works as it is supposed to and just gives people who have uploaded to you a preference in getting queue slots at the expense of other peers. There is rarely any reason to increase the percentage over the default value.

Additionally peers that have rank 1 (uploaded over twice as much as they have downloaded?) also get doubled upload cycle time, which generally means that they get to twice as much upload as others.