Thank you for this nice app, but I miss some upload speed.
I just wonder how the BitTorrent "queue" is configured in respect to upload speed ?
It is not among the possibilities in the visible upload queue settings.
It is uploading at around 500KBytes/s, my max upload is set to 3MBytes/s, and my measured is upload speed is > 25 MBits/s
There is no upload going in the other queue's. The CPU load is about 1/6 of one core for Shareaza and 3 % in total.
(BTW. would multithreading be just a feature for Shareaza with one thread for each queue )
There is that little net monitor window, where you are able to adjust the speed as well. And if I set the lever there to MAX at the rightmost position, the CPU load rises as well as the upload speed, but very seldom more than 1MByte/s. And that is with the max 16 uploads per file and 15 seeded torrents ( the most uploads is < 20kBytes/s, but now and then one is > 100KBytes/s).
Why is 16 a limit for BitTorrent uploads ?
NB! The huge resource use, that were in with download of several 600KB and 4GB BitTorrent files, is now dropped to an acceptable level in
You can test it by downloading OpenSuse via BitTorrent, 2 DVD's one for 386 and one for x86_64 and a few Live CD's, if you like.