Cannot connect to G1 network

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Cannot connect to G1 network

Postby silmenume » 09 Apr 2011 23:10


Ever since I upgraded to I've been having persistent problems connecting and staying connect to G2 automatically. The work around is that I manually flush the Host Cache, jump over to Discovery Services query about 8-10 IP's until I get a couple that actually are active back in the Host Cache and then run through the list force connecting until something takes. It sux but its the only thing that works.

My new and real problem now is that I can't get onto the G1 network at all. When I look into the Host Cache with the G1 Cache filter set I get a blank screen. So I go over to and hit on the Add All GWebCaches link and am taken to with a 404/not available error.

While the problem with the G1 connection issue has been running for at least a few days today was the first try to get to gwebcaches. Is there something going on with G1?

I am running W7 Ultimate and have port forwarding established and tested as working for both TCP/UDP.

I don't know what to do...

Edited - for clarity

UPDATE - I went to and clicked on the link called list of discovery services for Gnutella which was supposed to bring me to but instead I got a message that the web page could not be found.
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