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"Extension does not match the file format"

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2011 06:22
by myles123
I hope somebody can advise.

I notice that the majority of songs have a bracket surrounding them [CD/RIP] or [CD] if i download them and try to open the file i get a warning saying " the extension does not match the file format....Playing the file may result in unexpected behavior. Please advise whether these will cause instability in my system or whatever adverse results. Are these files safe/ If yes, how do you play them?


Re: "Extension does not match the file format"

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2011 14:44
by cyko_01
sounds like classic spam to me. If you are not already using the latest antispam filter (see link below) you should install it. if you are already using it then you/I may need to add this to it.

Yea it has been a long time since the last release but don't worry, I have not abandoned it. You can expect to see a new filter in the next month or so

Re: "Extension does not match the file format"

PostPosted: 18 Apr 2011 06:06
by myles123

It might just be easier for me to wait it out for the latest release. Not sure i would know whether i have installed the spam filter correctly or not.