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File Locations; Less Crowded Drive

PostPosted: 13 May 2011 15:44
by uncleross
How do I change the location of my Shareaza files from my crowded C: drive to the half-empty F: drive. I keep getting the "disk space low" message. Do I have to add complete pathnames to F: and then delete the corresponding ones from C:?

Re: File Locations; Less Crowded Drive

PostPosted: 13 May 2011 23:03
by cyko_01
To change where your new shareaza downloads get saved after they are downloaded go to Tools > shareaza settings > Downloads and change the option "save completed files here". To change which folders are shared by shareaza and displayed in your library go to Tools > Share Files... and add and remove the necessary folders(remove the locations on C: and add the ones on F: ). Shareaza does not automatically move any of the files that are already on your hard drive - you will have to move them manually from the folder on C: to the folder on F: