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Any way to increase concurrent downloads to more than 100?

PostPosted: 20 May 2011 13:45
by ambition13

I download a ton of files, none of which are very big (less than 100k each), but I usually have about 200 in the queue. So what I have to do now is pause some in order for some to go through then unpause, pause, unpause, etc. Is there any way to change the maximum number of downloads to over 100? This would help me tremndously. Thank you.


Re: Any way to increase concurrent downloads to more than 100?

PostPosted: 20 May 2011 14:31
by ailurophobe
It wouldn't really help as much as you think. Finding sources for the files requires querying hubs/servers and those queries are throttled, and even if you increase the query throttles on your end, the hubs also have their own throttles you have no control over and will simply ignore or even ban you if you are too aggressive. So the best that can be done is to "optimize" in which order Shareaza handles the files, which is essentially what you are doing right now. Maybe code could be added for Shareaza to "cycle" the active files automatically...

Re: Any way to increase concurrent downloads to more than 100?

PostPosted: 21 May 2011 20:15
by old_death
BTW you know that you can manually (via the context menu) activate more downloads in your list than your settings actually allow...? So in fact by selecting all currently queued downloads and using the context menu to start them, you can have all your downloads in active state.