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No downloading while hashing

PostPosted: 28 May 2011 08:08
by lukehutton
My installation recently got corrupted, so I've had to start again. My problem at the moment is that my library has - quite a few files - which is taking weeks to hash, with Shareaza running 24/7. Unfortunately, it seems that search/downloading/uploading is basically a complete no-go area while the hashing continues (ie. most searches return no results, all downloads are in a constant searching state and I might have a couple of file uploads a day). My first question is - is this normal behaviour? And second, is there a way to essentially 'pause' the hashing so I can both verify that it is the cause of the problem, and at least get some usable time with it during the day? By the way, I should mention I'm currently on debug build r8956...


Re: No downloading while hashing

PostPosted: 28 May 2011 17:38
by old_death
Hashing and the network business should theoretically be two completely separated tasks, so the one should not influence the other in a notable way.

However if you have recently reinstalled Shareaza, have you run a connection test (see the help menu to access it) to test if your router and firewall are configured correctly for Shareaza? If they are not any more, this could explain your bad downloading experience.

As for the hashing, have a look at the advanced settings. There you can set the hashing speed (in MB/s) to speed up the process. Have a look at the respective Wiki page for more information.