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Shareza freezing and not able to display tumbnnails!

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2011 14:33
by punkmaister
Lately Shareaza constantly freezes as one is not able to exit the program except through the Task manager, it stops sharing and uploading files and is unable to display thumbnails. What's going on?

Re: Shareza freezing and not able to display tumbnnails!

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2011 01:15
by ailurophobe
Sounds like a file access problem to me. Anyway a clean reinstall is usually a good first try.

Re: Shareza freezing and not able to display tumbnnails!

PostPosted: 27 Oct 2011 21:59
by punkmaister
I tried reinstalling it and it worked well for a little while then the problem began again with a vengeance. Right now the program only works as long as one does not access anything other than videos, if I lookup at MP3 or documents or try to do a search files of any kind the program freezes right up and no amount of REINSTALLS fixes this problem I'm saddened to report. :(

Re: Shareza freezing and not able to display tumbnnails!

PostPosted: 28 Oct 2011 02:01
by cyko_01
try disabling all plugins under tools > shareaza settings > plugins and restart shareaza. if it works then you can try re-enabling them one at a time until you figure out which one(s) is causing the problem.