Gnutella1 IP addresses turned into html text

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Gnutella1 IP addresses turned into html text

Postby myristica73 » 10 Sep 2012 19:54


Today I noticed that my Gnutella networks were having trouble connecting. I got G2 to work by refreshing the host cache. On G1 this didnt work. In the forum messages I found that changing the advanced setting of the Discovery.EnableG1GWC item to True should fix this. I did this and get sources now, but here is where it gets strange. None of the G1 hosts have an IP address. Instead there is part of HTML text there. Ofcourse, this prevents Shareaza from being able to make a connection. Can you think of any reason why it would do this and how I can fix it? At this time I have G1 turned off, since its no use to turn it on, but it would be great if it could get back to connecting normally.

I use version on an intel dual core pc, running on WinXP Sp3.

Thank you,

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Joined: 10 Sep 2012 19:28

Re: Gnutella1 IP addresses turned into html text

Postby ailurophobe » 12 Sep 2012 18:37

What does the "html text" say?
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Re: Gnutella1 IP addresses turned into html text

Postby myristica73 » 13 Sep 2012 21:24

Its a lot to type and it wont let me copy, but i'll retype some of it.

to access the networks resources and to make your client known
the network
<meta name="description" content="server.met server met server list edonkey server
<title>server.met server met server met server list edonkey server
&nbsp;&nbsp; href=http

The rest (quite a lot of it) refers to edonkey and emule servers, as well as google ads. The icons are G1, not edonkey and the other other networks are working perfectly.

If you need more, let me know. I hope you can make sense of it.. Thanks!
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Re: Gnutella1 IP addresses turned into html text

Postby raspopov » 14 Oct 2012 11:48

I added checks to filter out broken web-caches in r9216 so use daily debug build.
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