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No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2009 21:49
by testytest
Hi :)

Since a few days ago I can't access any G1 or G2 hosts. Host Cache was / is empty and if I try to get new ones via query in Discovery Services log says connection failed.
Edonkey, Kad and BitTorrent are working as far as I can see and connection test looks fine. I didn't change anything remotely related to my internet settings / router settings and it worked until a few days ago.

I tried a few things, but to be honest I don't know how to solve this... so any suggestions would be great :)


Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2009 08:08
by ocexyz
Perhaps you should clean your Shareaza from Foxy connections blocking you?

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2009 12:02
by zigozag
I'd suggest you go to for Gnutella and click on one of the peers mentioned by their IP addresses on the left. Shareaza will handle the connection and connect to that peer and then refresh your host cache.
As for G2, the same thing on should do.

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2009 12:23
by plesk90
Same problem, I've tried to uninstall and reinstall shareaza but when I select query now in the discovery services tab all the GWebCache and Server.met fail. Only Bootstrap work.

I've found the problem after I install this debug build: Shareaza_2.4.0.4_Win32_Release_r8165_2009-09-05

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2009 16:32
by testytest
G1 is fixed now thanks to zigozags suggestion :)

G2 is another matter... it looks like shareaza isn't able to reach any G2 hosts, but with every other program I tried it works. So the problem is with Shareaza and not with my ISP or Router config.

Maybe I get this wrong, but since my G2 Cache and Cluster list is empty, there aren't any foxys blocking my connection... My Shareaza isn't even able to connect to foxys blocking my connections ;)

[17:28:36] Querying discovery service ""...
[17:28:39] Discovery service "" failed, fail count 1.

That's what Shareaza says when I query a GWebCache.

Dunno what happened, but now it works again

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2009 19:10
by zigozag
Some of the peers are offline so often you need to try several times to get a connection, the same is also true for Webcaches. I think either a webcache or a peer finally responded properly. Happy sharing! :-)

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2009 13:03
by plesk90

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2009 20:34
by old_death

Re: No Connection to G1/G2

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2009 01:26
by zigozag
Even if the connection test fails they would be "firewalled" and get a LowiD on eDonkey instead of a HighID, but they should still be able to connect to all networks. Of course, passing the test means that they will find much more sources, but this shouldn't have any influence when it comes to connecting to the networks or contacting webcaches.