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cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2014 17:59
by flitox

i've installed yesterday new version, using the 64bit for the 1st time.

yesterday everything worked fine, but today is a different story.

while trying to create a rule to get a rid of the spam, i notice that i was only connected to one g1 client. i did F8 and notice the G1 list is empty. i do F9 to get some but nothing change on the f8 page, i give a look at the other tab there and the g2 list is empty as well as the edonkey!! i try to download a new met file but same result, the page remains desperatly blank.

i tried to close shareaza and to restart it, change fuck all.

so right i'm stuck with scratching my head wondering what is happening!!
i'm going to restart the pc after typying this to see if it changes something

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2014 18:21
by flitox
ok restarted and of course no change!!

i tried doing the connection test. tcp is ok but it says no answer have been given to the request
for udp, it's in red (so no good) and it says no answer from client.

the port are well opened in router, windows firewall is disactivated and i did suspend protection & exit from kaspersky.

also nothing to do with problem above but everytime i launch shareaza (i have that behavior since i am on windows 7 64bits), it never opens in (how to say in english??)full window and make a noise at the same time. (acting this way with 32 & 64 bit version)
i also have a dllhost.exe in task manager everytime i launch shareaza and most of the time it disappear when i close shareaza. i can kill it when shareaza is running and it does not affect shareaza (same as above, doing this with 32 and 64 bit version)

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2014 18:35
by flitox
hummm could this be embarrassing??? i did by mystake set default policy to deny which i suppose is why everything stop working....

so i guess problem solved.

but if you have an idea of why shareaza never open while taking all the screen and why it makes a noise when every has finish to load....

and for the dllhost.exe, if i close it everything work fine but when i close shareaza, the little windows that then appear is all black with the picture that should be shown being shrinked in the top left corner

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 19 Dec 2014 19:32
by raspopov
dllhost.exe is standard Windows process host for out-of-process plugins, in fact now all of Shareaza plugins are out-of-process (for stability).

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 20 Dec 2014 01:06
by queuesclimber
a little bit OT: Since 9517, after adding the releasebuild.cmd's
7-zip is needed for building installer.
Now having
Shareaza_2.7.8.0_Win32_Symbols.7z in setup-folder.
Is gzip not enough anymore and out-of-process ?

( Have not deleted gzip from system32-folder for rebuild )

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2014 20:30
by flitox
ok good to know it is normal to have dllhost.exe in taskmanager when shareaza running.

is it normal that shareaza always open in windowed mode instead of full screen in win 7 64bit (and playing a sound at the same time it has finish to load)??

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 22 Dec 2014 17:21
by raspopov

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2014 18:30
by queuesclimber
Let remove that 7zip-stuff. It is not needed.

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2014 18:45
by raspopov

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2014 02:42
by queuesclimber
Untrue. Not with VS2013. Installerbuild brokes @rev.9517 or so

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2014 16:31
by raspopov

Re: cant connect anymore

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2014 17:41
by queuesclimber