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user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore him

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2015 01:06
by sean_incali
I just updated my shareaza for the first time in years.

Then this user keeps spamming me with a private conversation request repeatedly to a point where the application become ususable with all the ding sounds everytime the request is received.

here's a screen shot of what happens when I first open the application with the user sending me the request.

here's what happens when I close the chat

It continues until he makes a private chat connection

As you can see the chat tab has opened on its own.

How do I block this user or disable chat?

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2015 12:34
by ale5000
Have you tried to ban the spammer IP?

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 15 Dec 2015 22:10
by sean_incali
How do I do that in Shareaza? ban the Ip of the user? I tried right click on the chat window, nothing happens. And the user doesn't show up on the chatter list to the right.

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2015 02:20
by ale5000
You can copy the IP manually, look at the help here: ... rityWindow

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2015 03:46
by sean_incali
ok this worked. but another user pmd me which i banned again. it seems to be there should be a way to block all unwanted pms in chat. is there a way to do that in shareaza?

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2015 08:25
by queuesclimber
Yes, there is.
Open Network-Tab and disable bottom right DC++
This is the way, how DC++ is implemented.

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2015 08:58
by sean_incali
ok this seems to have fixed it. i guess all the pm's were from dc++ network? thank you.

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 18 Dec 2015 18:33
by ivan386
You can also disable chat in Shareaza settings and enable DC++ again.

Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 04 Jan 2016 07:32
by dr-flay
PtokaX: OKTAVY HUB, is a hub you have connected to.
DC++ uses a chatroom system, it is not private chat (the text we see is incorrect)
You are not being spammed personally, it is just a chat room with lots of posting and chat.
It is possible to private chat with a user in the list.
Fileshare on DC++ includes manually sharing links.

Shareaza IRC control is very basic. Perhaps sound can be disabled in the advanced prefs.
Try connecting to another hub/room/channel/server. It may be quieter.
Shareaza tries to connect to the last hub it used, even if it cannot.
Many hubs block you from reconnecting too soon, so you are seeing yourself being blocked repeatedly.

Tip: It may be ugly but "Arial Unicode MS" font contains more support for other languages (including Cyrillic and Asian) than is found in the other Unicode fonts.
It is a standard font in MS Office, and easily found with Shareaza if you search for "ARIALUNI.TTF"


Re: user keeps spamming with a private chat and can't ignore

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2016 06:52
by raspopov
DC++ connection always opens built-in chat window (one window per hub), its by design.