Cannot locate completed downloads
09 Oct 2009 13:35
by sgtrock05
I have been using raza for a long time and this is a new problem for me. I am using: windows vista 64-bit and raza I have great connectivity and speed. Just installed yesterday, set it up, located a torrent for download, and let raza do the rest. Raza downloaded several large files fast but when I "clear completed" download the files are not where they should be. I realize the files should be in the designated folder I selected in the setting of raza. I checked other raza program folders and did not find them there. I ran a windows search and nothing. This seems very strange to me. Can someone please tell me where I might locate the missing downloaded and completed files?
Re: Cannot locate completed downloads
26 Oct 2009 15:10
by old_death
Use the global search function of your PC and search for a keyword you know being part of the filename of the lost file
Re: Cannot locate completed downloads
26 Oct 2009 19:33
by ocexyz
Leave and use last version on for torrents. This is old bug, solved in, as I remember around r8150. Use debug version, so if would occur any problems Shareaza will produce a report which allow to solve problem - and will have better soft tested agains bugs on your system. 64 is not so common. Anyway is strongly recomended for all torrents users, leave for - I have tested this on my own skin, it is better. Use debug, on 64 machines bigger usage of CPU by debug version will be almost unnoticeable. But advantages of reports of problems produced on 64 machines will be huge - first of all for users, they will have Shareaza better prepared to work on comp where debug was running.