We are sorry for you disadvantages, if that would work fully OK it would be published as stable release already, but it is not yet.
You always can use so called last stable version from
download site.
You can use, like I do, so called debug build from
Shareaza Debug Builds also called Daylies as they are compiled and published everyday or every few days. If your Shareaza monited you it "has expired" it just mean you should use a newer one. The problem is they are updated every new compilation, and are for testing, so they can cause troubles - this is obvious disadvantage - the advantage is in daylies (debugs) are fixed already noticed bugs and now have much more possibilities then last stable The tip is that you should check if a new one has appeared for download. Eg now I just have downloaded in r8224, I was using r8223 last few days and have reported one error I have noticed - but reporting errors is not a duty, it is a good will. This is my small contribution to development process and making Shareaza better and better (well I hope this is true
One day it will be fixed enough and it will be published for download as new stable release.
What is very probable for me: use last, most recent, debug and you will notice positive difference. You can just overinstall. Do not stay with this particular one "for ever" update to newer: 1 - when you don't like how it works (your case) 2 - at last when Shareaza monits you (about "expired", note expired do not change anything in your installation, this is just a reminder).
Yes, you are pissed of, this is reasonable. Unfortunately so far humanity has no better way to develop software. And also there is no better way to adjust it to users needs then let users to betatest of new code. This is why we are doing this, but not to make your life harder - believe me.
Try last debug please (with a few thousands fixes and corrections and new code, like torrents) or last stable release (final, but already about one year old). We hope next final will come in nearest days or weeks at last.