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Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
08 Nov 2009 21:34
by omarr
I installed 2.5 over an existing 2.4. The installation itself looked ok. Starting 2.5 first looked ok, the GUI came up, then a small box called "Shareaza remote" which remained white (empty), then another box saying "Updating bittorrent downloads". Then nothing happened anymore. Taskmanager said that the Shareaza process was consuming 99% cpu, so I killed it after a while and restarted, with the same result. Looks like I have to reinstall 2.4 .... Btw: I have never used remote control with 2.4.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
09 Nov 2009 01:47
by old_death
Updating the torrents when running v2.5.0.0 for the first time can consume a big amount of time. There have been reported cases where this has taken up to one hour. So just let it run on background (with reduced process priority) and don't worry. It should end after some time - or just finish your downloading torrents before updating.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
09 Nov 2009 05:34
by ocexyz
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
10 Nov 2009 08:12
by omarr
OK, I started 2.5 in the evening, left it running all night, and in the morning, there was no progress. But it showed all symptoms of a tightly looping program: The Windows task manager says it's not responding and eating up all CPU cycles, there is no noticeable disk I/O, and the Shareaza window is not repainted after covering/uncovering it. My guess is that I have some data structure that is corrupt or has otherwise unexpected content, maybe the bittorrent download itself or something in the environment.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
10 Nov 2009 10:25
by old_death
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
10 Nov 2009 18:25
by ocexyz
Last debug as I remeber r8300 was fixed against this. Please use debug for upgrade especioaly.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
11 Nov 2009 10:14
by old_death
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
11 Nov 2009 12:00
by ocexyz
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
11 Nov 2009 22:47
by omarr
So here comes the user feedback
I installed Shareaza_2.5.0.1_Win32_Debug_r8309_2009-11-10.exe and started it.
At first sight, it looked the same as before. But when asking the Windows task manager about Shareaza, it is different! Task mgr says: Application not responding (as before), process not doing any I/O (as before), *BUT* this time it consumes 0% CPU time, not 99% as it did before. Strange, what reason could there be to get stuck ?? It can't be the network, because I'm posting this while Shareaza is running (if I may say so for a program not using the CPU).
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
12 Nov 2009 03:48
by ailurophobe
The first try that you interrupted might have left some corrupted files that cause this.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
12 Nov 2009 20:11
by raspopov
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
12 Nov 2009 20:41
by omarr
I'm absolutely sure. There was no disk rattling, and there was a stable display in the Windows task manager for the process Shareaza, i.e. no change in the I/O columns. Furthermore, Shareaza opened pop-up window for this processing step, containing a progress bar. The progress bar showed no sign of life, i.e. it remained empty.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
13 Nov 2009 20:52
by ailurophobe
Like I said the first try might have created a corrupted file when interrupted. Specifically an invalid new style partial that hangs Shareaza when it tries to process it. I assume Shareaza deletes the old partial when it is fully processed, so you probably should delete new type partials that still have a corresponding old partial. raspopov would know I assume.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
13 Nov 2009 21:43
by omarr
Noone can expect a program to create valid output from corrupted input. But a program can be expected to recognize a problem with the input and create an appropriate error message. In short, it should remain in control of the situation, and a user should not have to face a hang or loop or crash.
I realize that you guys are doing a lot of excellent work just for the honor of it, but please don't put the blame on users when something goes wrong.
Re: Upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5 seems to fail
13 Nov 2009 22:16
by ailurophobe
Sorry, not trying divide blame, just trying to give a suggestion on how to get rid of the problem. You are of course right, but the sad reality is that most applications have difficulties if files created by "trusted" sources become corrupted. Creating the necessary error handling mechanism is actually more complex than it should be and involves significant performance overhead on every file read, usually without any benefit from the extra code.