A file has sources but the sources are always unavailable!

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A file has sources but the sources are always unavailable!

Postby punkmaister » 14 Dec 2009 06:32

While I am familiar with files running out of sources and have had to cancel my share of downloads as a result I now have come accross a file that that while has not ran out of sources as it invariably varies from 5 to as high as 14 or 15 it has not been able to download a single bite after it reached about 57.50%. The sources ticket numbers go down as they should but as one of them is about at #5 the number goes invariably right back up to the 300s so the result is a file permanently waiting a turn.
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Re: A file has sources but the sources are always unavailable!

Postby ocexyz » 14 Dec 2009 16:35

Always must be the whole file shared for the first time. Such situation can occur when this 1st has not been shared fully or has disappeared before it has happened. You can only wait until it will reappear, or download it from a different net. Lack of whole complete source ATM I suppose.
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