False Harddisk is working?

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False Harddisk is working?

Postby lolhowfunny » 15 Feb 2010 02:59


Im using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit with SSE2 Optimized Shareaza.
I has changed in the Options all folders the program is using to another harddidk.
But all the time Shareaza uses permanently all the time my c-Partition, if there is nothing to up-and download too, and the Idling about 97 %.
If i close the program all is quiet.
Im in good mood there are no worms or virusses

Greetings and thx for help

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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby whizzmoraza » 15 Feb 2010 09:25

First: Check to see if Shareaza is actually the application doing the disk activity (It could just be your virus scanner).

Here's how:
1) Download Procmon from Microsoft (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi ... 96645.aspx) . Procmon is a nice program that will show you all sorts of system activity.
2) Run procmon.exe
3) To only see File System activity, look for the yellow file cabinet icon on the button bar. UN-check the buttons to the left and right of it (registry activity and thread activity, respectively). The file cabinet icon should be the only one that is sunk "down".
4) Let procmon run for a few seconds while your c: drive activity is 97%.
5) After a few seconds, click on the magnifying glass icon in the button bar (labeled 'Capture'). When the magnifying glass icon has a red X on it, procmon is no longer capturing events.
6) Scroll through the list and look at which application is accessing the C: drive, and what file(s) it is accessing.
7) Post your results here :)

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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby lolhowfunny » 17 Feb 2010 11:23

Hello Whizzmo

Thanks for your tips.

The disk-aktivity of drive C is permanently, but i has changed all shareaza-folders to partition D.
Thats only if i open shareaza and stops if i close it.
if that would be the virus-scanner, i think the activity must happens too if shareaza isnt open, but its all ok then.
that effect begins if i changed to win7 64 bit and the sse-variation of shareaza.
in this rar-file is the progmon-log-file (hope im doing right) and a shoot of the task manager of windows.

Greetings and thx for tips :D
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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby raspopov » 18 Feb 2010 05:07

Make sure Shareaza finished Library hashing.
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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby whizzmoraza » 18 Feb 2010 07:29

First, thank you for posting the Procmon log! That was very helpful. Skimming through it, I noticed a couple of things:

1) Shareaza is still located on your C:\ drive in your Program Files (x86) directory. This can be fixed by re-running the installer and choosing a folder on your d: (or other) drive to put Shareaza in.
2) Your Shareaza database files are located in your user directory, also on C:\ drive. Moving this may take some effort, but may be worthwhile for you (see below).

If I understand correctly, Shareaza uses several different directories to store Data (e.g. TigerTree.dat, Shareaza.db3), Torrent (e.g. .torrent files), Collection (.collection), Incomplete (e.g. .partial and .sd), and Completed download files (e.g. some_movie.mkv). Each of these directories can be located / placed independently of each other. Putting them on different *physical* drives may improve performance (a C: and D: partition on the same drive doesn't help).

If you have more than one *physical* hard drive, consider these suggestions:

1) If you usually have a large number of files in your download queue (say, > 40 files) or files with lots of segments (say, files over 50 MBytes) you may want to place your Incomplete folder on your fastest hard drive and your Completed folder on a slower hard drive. Why: Shareaza will usually access (read and write) to your Incomplete folder many times for each file you download. This can lead to excessive disk use and fragmentation. By putting your Incomplete folder on a fast drive, you minimize the overall system impact. By placing your Completed folder on a different drive, your downloads will usually be automatically defragmented when they are moved from one drive to the other :)

To move these folders, first clear all downloads, and change the folder path in Shareaza's settings interface, under Settings ->Internet -> Downloads. (My Deutsch is non-existent, so I won't try to translate here. I hope my descriptions are ok?) Shareaza may need to be restarted to apply these changes?

2) If you share a large number of files (say, >1000), you may want to move your Data folder to your fastest drive. In my experience, the Data folder is the most-accessed folder for Shareaza. Putting this on a fast drive is a very good idea. Sadly, these doesn't currently exist a way to move this folder through the GUI. If you are interested, I would be happy to provide instructions.

3) If you don't download many torrent files, consider moving your Collections and Torrents folder to slower drives. You can move these via Shareaza's settings interface, under Settings -> General -> Library (for Collections) and under Settings -> Networks -> BitTorrent (for Torrents). Shareaza checks these directories for changes every minute or so. Moving these disk accesses to a different drive may take some load off the drive that handles the Data and Incomplete folders

Side note: I noticed that you mentioned that you are running win7 64. If you are interested, you can try an alpha of the x64 version of Shareaza. Here is a link to the latest x64 build as of 17-Feb-2010 (This link will probably be obsolete in a few weeks): Shareaza_2.5.2.1_x64_Release_r8477_2010-02-17.exe

Hope this helps,
Last edited by kevogod on 25 Apr 2010 06:59, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Removed negatis link
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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby raspopov » 18 Feb 2010 16:46

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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby lolhowfunny » 19 Feb 2010 08:18

Thanks raspopov and especially Whizzmo for taking so much time and give me those many tips.
but...lol im wondering because the question about my prob is simple:
I only changed my windows from xp 32 bit to w7 64 bit and my version of shareaza from Shareaza_2.5.1.0_Win32 to Shareaza_2.5.2.0_Win32_SSE2
So about the lokation of my shareaza-folders and what is in it (not the new downloads of course) nothing has changed.
And in the options of shareaza i have all switched like before.
If i started shareaza 2 weeks ago (oler shareaza and windows) it hashes a bit and then it goes down to a normal harddisk-activity.
My (virgin) thought is that there is something with the change from 32 to 64 bit or the structure of shareaza, but maybe im wrong.
only simly wondering that my prob begins on my update, all works fine before.
Whizzmo: maybe your german is better then my terrible english, hehe, sorry for that.
snd thx for giving me the x64 link, i will surely test it.
Yummy, my harddisk-hashing-prob is fixed with that x64 version. Thanks for that!
Prog works fine (like before) :-)
After Installation i has had a shortly prob with the internet: no standard gateway....but i (or windows? lol) fixed it.
some informations by the way:
We have different dsl-speed here that in your list is avalaible. so its ADSL (in kbit/s - down - up) :
1000 - 128 ; 2000 - 256 ; 3000 - 384 ; 6000 - 768 and higher then
Greetings and thank you very much for tips and help

lolhowfunny :D :lol:
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Re: False Harddisk is working?

Postby ailurophobe » 20 Feb 2010 23:43

I keep Incomplete and Downloads on the same disk (-> fast move). Then after checking the download either delete it or move it to folder on different HD (-> defragments). I also use symbolic links to connect to shared folders on another drives. This means the drag and drop is a move instead of a copy (-> no useless copy and delete or needing to remember what drive the folder is) and allows me to move things around and just edit the symbolic link. Saves time when you install new hard drives. (btw Shareaza doesn't handle adding a new shared folder with lots of files very well, you need to either trick it into thinking it is the same old folder with a symbolic link or add an empty folder and then move the files in. Had two HDs die within few weeks...)

The frequency Shareaza checks watched folders can be changed in advanced settings. (Library.WatchFoldersTimeout) The default is 5 s, but I use 60 s and it works just fine. Better, in fact.
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