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Good updating Server list requests?

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2010 10:23
by haukke45
I Know that some people may have problems connecting to good servers, I'm not sure where to get a good serverlist with updated server information. I used to connect to razorback2 server but I learned it was shutdown
I have only old serverlist.mets. Does any one know where to get a good, latest serverlists for eDonkey, Gnutella, and Gnutella2 serverlist.mets download please? I know shareaza has the download server met but mine goes to here, but I notice it had razorback2 in it's list. I was looking for a list with some servers that uses the port 6346. especially eDonkey if anyone can help any good addy to the server list please? I would appreciate it deaply.

Re: Good updating Server list requests?

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2010 14:30
by old_death
Just use the discovery services to download the .met files for eD2k. For the other networks such things are not required... They are dynamically and do not depend on static IPs on a server.met file. See our wiki for more information on the different networks!