Page 1 of 1 Video preview non-functional

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2010 19:35
by ajwuckert
Regardless of the format or % complete, preview of video files is broken under It doesn't matter if using internal viewer of WM, it's just broken. It worked fine under the proir release.

Re: Video preview non-functional

PostPosted: 22 Apr 2010 20:28
by old_death
I see that this is your first post on our forums, so I'll try to explain you why this happened:
The previous media player plugin had many problems, for example, it did often crash while playing certain media files and it failed to preview others. In order to fix this, we had to completely rewrite this plugin, as the original code had been lost and we couldn't change the plugin (and hereby fix its errors) anymore. This causes that the plugin has temporary less functionality than most users were used to. In order to make it work again, you can use external solutions like DivFix++ and VLC media player, as it will take us some time until we have fully finished the rewrite of the plugin (and we are currently short of C++ developers - maybe you could ask people you know to help coding on our project, this will speed up things greatly...).


PS.: See also the FAQ page about our Media Player in the Shareaza Wiki