by docrivers » 25 Apr 2010 20:52
Is anyone else having this problem? Things were working fine up until yesterday. Yesterday i started receiving a lot of bug warnings when i closed Shareaza out. It also wasn't connecting right. You could tell that it was struggling to connect. So i just updated to the latest Shareaza and now it's really having trouble connecting. It is also now crashing a lot and showing bug warnings. I'm now using 2.5.2. This is the latest version no? Last time i tried to open Shareaza it would not connect. My Internet connection is working fine. These problems only started happening yesterday when i noticed i wasn't receiving too much of a connection. Is this a problem with Shareaza currently? Ok i hope someone can help. Any advice would be great. I love Shareaza and have used it for years. These bug issues have only started recently. Thanks all.