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Stop Shareaza from automatically opening

PostPosted: 04 May 2010 21:50
by diva-donna
Everytime I click on a link to download a file on a web page, Shareaza opens up.
I'm not talking about a torrent file, but maybe a program or a song file off of a web page.
I cannot find anything anywhere that in the program or anywhere online that will tell me how to stop that.
The only way I can download without that happening is by right clicking & chosing save as.
Thanks, Donna

Re: Stop Shareaza from automatically opening

PostPosted: 04 May 2010 22:31
by cyko_01
in shareaza:
Tools > Shareaza Settings > Web > use shareaza to manage all my web downloads

Re: Stop Shareaza from automatically opening

PostPosted: 04 May 2010 22:48
by diva-donna
Thanks so much! ;-)

Re: Stop Shareaza from automatically opening

PostPosted: 05 May 2010 00:14
by ocexyz
IMHO this should be a question of wizard during installation "Do you want Shareaza to manage all your downloads? You can anytime turn this option off by unckecking box for this option in Tools > Shareaza Settings > Web > use shareaza to manage all my web downloads".

AND what is more important Shareaza by default should ask "where to write downloaded file" (with standard widow) if file is downloaded from www, not from p2p networks, to avoid unwanted sharing of files - I think this is crucial. IMHO.

Re: Stop Shareaza from automatically opening

PostPosted: 05 May 2010 00:41
by cyko_01