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Link to the MediaWiki

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 21:16
by kathw
Since the Wiki was destroyed and the new (Trac/Wiki) is basically for the Developers, we managed to get an old copy of the Shareaza MediaWiki, it's very out of date and some of the links are bad, especially to our old sites. Contributors are working on this all the time to update the info, so make sure you don't follow those bad links if there are any left.

For Sourceforge registered users:

For non-Sourceforge registered users: (basically.. just take off the 's' )

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2009 18:43
by cyko_01
can whoever is in charge of mediawiki please give edit permissions to the shareaza team (moderators and devs) so we can get this going? The more people we can get working on this the faster we can get it all fixed. We can always run a bot later to fix any bad links we missed

also should redirect to mediawiki and can redirect to trac

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2009 09:53
by ocexyz

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2009 21:47
by old_death

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2009 01:55
by cyko_01

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2009 03:00
by cyko_01
ok, most recognized(by me) users now have edit permissions, but sourceforge does not allow usergroup permissions so every new user will have to be given permission manually

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2009 14:31
by kathw
Thank God for that.. also thanks to Cyko :D

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2009 08:14
by raspopov
Its strange cause all authenticated users has edit permissions...

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2009 13:26
by cyko_01
I guess sourceforge changed the defaults, because that in not the case according to the user list

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 10 Aug 2009 05:06
by punkmaister
But why was it destroyed? What on Earth happened? I'm still in a daze here I had no clue this had happened and ShareAza sadky links up to the now discredited Phantera Project Website this whole situation stinks and sucks at the same time, where is everyone? What has happened?

Re: Link to the (Old) MediaWiki

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2009 02:32
by cyko_01